Chiropractic Care … Are you getting it?

I spent the better part of my life not going to a chiropractor.  I’m not really sure what my excuse was.  I was kind of afraid of them, maybe? All of that “bone cracking” kinda frightened me a little.  It seemed a little odd to me, I guess.  Of course, others around me didn’t seem to disagree either.  My friends and even my family physician dismissed chiropractors as “quacks.” My mind was made up, I was steering as far clear of those “quack doctors” as possible. (And to think, I had made up my mind when I was no more than 10 years old!!)

Flash forward 10 years. I was now 20 years old and moving some furniture in my new apartment when all of the sudden, I heard a “pop.”  That awful sound was followed by pain in my left hip that gradually spread into my lower back and became so excruciating that I couldn’t walk, stand, sit…anything!  Everything was uncomfortable!  Of course, I went to my family doctor and after examination, he determined I had “thrown my back out” and quickly prescribed, muscle relaxers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and a couple of other types of medications, along with instructions to ice it, blah, blah, blah! Six weeks later, I was golden…good as new!  I felt like a million bucks!  Woohoo!  Yay, for my awesome doctor and his awesome miracle drugs!  Flash forward 2 years.  I sneezed!  I SNEEZED! Guess what?  Back to the doctor, back on the meds and again, 6 weeks later, I was better.  I was miserable!  Was I destined to have these horrible episodes forever?  Over the course of the next 15 years, I would turn wrong or sleep wrong or whatever wrong and again my back would go out and I’d suffer through 6 weeks of pain and recovery.  This 6 week recovery time became a nightmare.  I have kids and a husband to take care of!! (It’s not fun when you have to crawl from room to room because the muscles in your back are refusing to cooperate).

Finally, last August, I decided to be brave. My lovely friend Shannon and her husband Norbert offered a Chiropractic Evaluation for me and my children.  It wasn’t scary at all.  In fact I welcomed the change!  After returning home, I immediately set up an appointment with a local chiropractor and we worked out a family plan so that my family could receive regular adjustments to keep our bodies in top shape.  Best decision I have made in a VERY long time (best decision ever was accepting the proposal of my awesome and handsome husband, Allen).  We have been going regularly, but due to unforeseen family emergencies and situations over the past few months, our schedule got a little out of whack and our regular visits weren’t so regular.

Wednesday afternoon, I guess I turned wrong.  As the day progressed, so did the spasms, pain, and raising of the left hip.  By evening I was in tears.  My daughter administered a Raindrop Technique and my husband did his best to work out the kinks in the muscles and then iced them.  Without them, I’m positive I wouldn’t have been able to get out of bed Thursday morning!  1 pm on Thursday couldn’t come fast enough.  I was in pain.  Muscles in spasm and I am sure I was starting to look like Quasimodo when I walked.  I walked into my chiropractor’s office and told him what was going on (I had never had to see him for an acute issue, so this was going to be the real test).  I told him that historically, my recovery time was somewhere around 6 weeks.  His response was music to my ears, ” We’ll get you feeling better in no time! It won’t take 6 weeks.” He manipulated my bones and and all that good stuff they do. He then administered some muscle therapy to help relax the spasms. I was already feeling better! I left with no medications or prescriptions. He said, go home. Walk. Don’t sit for prolonged periods of time and ice it before bed.  Then come back on Tuesday.  Of course, I followed all instructions! (My awesome husband decided to add a TENS device to the mix as well.)  Yay!  By last night, I felt 60% better than I did before I stepped foot in the chiropractors office!

This morning I woke up sore.  Sore is okay though.  I can do sore.  No spasms, no excruciating pain and no weird posture when I walked. It’s been less than 24 hours since I went to the chiropractor and I can walk like a normal person!  I cannot tell you just how exciting this is for me.  90% better!

So, my advice to you…if you have back issues or even if you feel perfectly fine, go see your chiropractor.  If you don’t have one, get one.  Look for a wellness based one.  If insurance doesn’t cover your care, ask them to please work with you to develop a plan for you and your family’s health.  Many will work with you and want you to be healthy. Chiropractic care has been an amazing addition to my family’s health and wellness plan!  Now that we are under chiropractic care, I cannot imagine our lives without it!!

The greatest relaxation and balancing technique ever created!!!

728x90-v1-sleep   <<<<<< Love this guy!!! His voice is soothing and relaxing!

What is the Solfeggio Scale?

Everything in our universe vibrates at a frequency…including us! Everything you see is energy.

Our vibrational frequencies change based on different factors in our lives. Someone who is ill has a lower vibrational frequency than someone who is well.

Laughing increases our vibrational frequency!!

What we eat, how much we exercise, what we do to our bodies affects our frequencies, which in tune affects our health.

That being said, I want to introduce you to the Solfeggio frequency scale. I found this little gem during a time in my life when I was struggling with lots of different challenges that ranged from being unable to get a good night’s sleep to struggling with severe mood fluctuations and crazy hormonal fluctuations. After I implemented the Solfeggio scale guided meditation into my nightly ritual, I started to experience positive changes in my health!

So, what is the history behind the Solfeggio frequencies?

Dr Joseph Puleo, naturopathic physician and one of America’s leading herbalists, began his research of the Solfeggio frequencies in the mid-1970’s. In his examination of the Bible he found in Genesis: Chapter 7, Verses 12-83, that there were a pattern of six repeating codes around a series of sacred numbers, 3, 6 and 9. When he deciphered these using the ancient Pythagorean method of reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers, the codes revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies that correspond to the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.

The Solfeggio frequencies contain the six pure tonal notes that were once used to make up the ancient musical scale, until, it has been presumed, they were altered by the Catholic Church and Pope Gregory I, (better known as “Gregory the Great”), who served from 590 to 604 AD. The Church claims that they have “lost” 152 of these amazing ancient Gregorian chants, but more than likely, they have been purposely locked away in the bowels of the Vatican archives. One of those sacred chants, however, known as, “The Hymn to St. John the Baptist,” has re-emerged. It has become known as the most inspirational hymn ever written and features all six Solfeggio notes.

These are the Solfeggio frequencies:

UT – 396 Hz – Liberating Guilt and Fear
RE – 417 Hz – Undoing Situations and Facilitating Change
MI – 528 Hz – Transformation and Miracles (DNA Repair – Repair – and derives from the phrase “MI-ra gestorum” in Latin meaning “miracle”. This is the exact frequency used by genetic biochemists to repair broken DNA – the genetic blueprint upon which life is based!)
FA – 639 Hz – Connecting/Relationships
SOL – 741 Hz – Awakening Intuition
LA – 852 Hz – Returning to Spiritual Order

Sound is a vibration of air whilst vibrations in the energetic field are primal and so affect everything because, as the physics and metaphysics agree, absolutely everything including mankind is vibrating energy.

So imagine the power of creating the Solfeggio frequencies energetically instead of as mere sounds – how much more benefit we could derive from it.

I currently use this set of 6 apps that I found in the Apple App Store (can also be found in Google Play)


Our modern day musical scale is slightly out of sync from the original Solfeggio frequencies and is, consequently, more dissonant as it is based upon what is termed the “Twelve-Tone Equal Temperament.” In ancient times, the musical scale was called “Just Intonation.” Our modern music also falls within the A 440 Hz frequency, which was changed from A 417 Hz, around 1914.

A 7th note was added to the modern scale in the form of a “SI,” or a “TI,” as in the “DO, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA, TI” vocal scale, while the original Solfeggio scale was composed of only six notes: “UT, RE, MI, FA, SO, LA.”


ABC Juice with Kale, Ginger and Garlic

1 Apple
1 Beet
3 Carrots
4 Kale Leaves
1″ of Ginger
1 Clove of Garlic

Peel beet and ginger. Wash all produce. Blend through a juicer and enjoy!

Beets and apples are great for the liver and gall bladder. Ginger is soothing to the digestive tract.  Kale and Garlic are immune boosting and Carrots are full of Vitamin A.

Mandarin Maple Moscato Vinaigrette

1/2 cup moscato wine
2 tablespoons of maple syrup
1/4 cup diced fresh mandarin orange segments
3 tablespoons of olive oil
2 tablespoons of finely chopped chives
1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon finely chopped parsley
2 tablespoons finely chopped organic mint
1 tablespoon organic orange zest
Fresh ground black pepper to taste

In a bowl whisk all ingredients well. Alternative: Pour all ingredients into a glass jar with sealable lid and shake well. (Don’t blend; this dressing should be chunky.)


PDF Moscato Maple Dressing

Fruit & Fennel Salad

1 cup fennel bulb, sliced paper thin
1 cup green apple, sliced into paper in half moons
2 cups baby arugula
1/4 cup pistachio nuts (shelled), raw or dry roasted
1 tablespoon lemon zest
1 teaspoon minced thyme
1 teaspoon red jalapeno, seeded and finely minced
Freshly ground black pepper, to taste

*****1/4 cup Mandarin Moscato Vinaigrette

PDF Fruit & Fennel Salad

Portabello Mushroom Steaks with Cauliflower Bechamel Sauce and Asparagus Tips

1 – Head of Organic Cauliflower, Chopped
1 – Yellow Onion, Chopped
1 – Clove of Garlic, Chopped
1/8 tsp Cayenne Pepper
2 – Large Portabello Mushroom Caps
1 – Bunch of Asparagus
2 – Tbsp Olive Oil
3 cups of Vegetable Broth
3 tbsp Real Butter
Salt and Pepper to Taste


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
In a saucepan, combine cauliflower, onion, garlic and vegetable broth.
Bring to a boil and cook until cauliflower is tender.
Meanwhile, place Mushrooms in a non stick pan and bake for 20 minutes cap side down with a 1/2 tbsp butter in each cap.
When Cauliflower is tender pour contents of saucepan into a blender. Add 2 tbsp butter, cayenne pepper, salt and pepper and blend until smooth and creamy. (adjust salt and pepper to your liking). Set aside.
Over medium heat sautee the asparagus tips until tender crisp in olive oil.
Remove Mushroom Caps from the oven, top with the cauliflower Bechamel sauce.
Arrange Asparagus on top and sprinkle with Ceyenne or JuvaSpice* for garnish.

PDF Portabello Mushroom Steaks

Creamy Summer Zucchini Soup

2 – medium red or yellow onions, chopped
3 – tablespoons of real butter, melted
8 – medium-sized zucchini, sliced
3 cups of vegetable broth.
1 cup cashew milk or coconut milk
1/2 tsp Himalayan pink salt
1/8 tsp ground nutmeg
1/8 tsp black pepper
A pinch cayenne pepper

Sauté the onions in butter in a large sauce pan on medium heat until tender.
And zucchini and vegetable broth; and stir well.
Bring to boiling them cover, reduce heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes or until the zucchini is tender.
Remove from heat. Pour the contents into a blender and purée.
Return the Puritan mixture into the sauce pan.
Add the cashew or coconut milk along with the salt nut Meg and peppers and continue to cook until heated through.


* optionally you can use 3 cups of chicken broth instead of the vegetable broth. You can also substitute a half a cup of half-and-half for the one cup of cashew or coconut milk.
If so desired you can add cheese for garnish.

Printable PDF Summer Zucchini Soup